I actually thought I’d see more people doing yoga here, but not so. Jaime has a fairly advanced practice and a few of the guests have come up to us voicing their admiration and curiosities. I feel like such a yuppie westerner when I talk about yoga. [see YouTube video of "Shit Yogis Say" for further emphasis of what I mean by that] Vancouver being so saturated with it, I tend to assume much of the world is as preoccupied with it, that it’s perfectly normal for everyone to have tried it at least a few times in their life.
Monday is very quiet around here, and our fist chance to settle into our daily routine. Jaime is nose deep in work with film editing for this trip and for his job with TRAK Kayaks, so he’s got a lot of computer time set aside for the afternoons. As for myself, I wanted to sort out my own computer issues to get some writing and photo editing done as well.
I mustered all the energy I could to hop on the bike again into town, in search of the one place that offers wifi. Greased up with sunscreen, my hat on, and computer in tow, I headed out into the midday heat. What a mistake. Turns out the wifi is so slow here that any skype use or down/uploading isn’t possible, while they’re charging more than I expected for internet. Argh! The heat was more than I cared to deal with and I was just not having the success I was hoping for with the computer.
I came back to camp exhausted, hot, frustrated and grumpy with nothing achieved. Jaime was still absorbed in his work and I was left to my own devices for something else to do. Seeing him doing his editing made me crave doing something creatively fun, as my very visual brain wants to have a part in the photo documentation of the trip as well. I was feeling left out and helpless with my computer that isn’t kitted out the way I want, while he was having all the fun. Sigh.
I tried to sleep off my hunger and my bad mood in the hammock but even that was too hot! My god. My body is having a hard time adjusting to this heat. It was a bad choice to exert myself in the midday heat, as that needs to be reserved for siesta time for now until I’m acclimatized. Looking forward to 4pm today when the heat backs off and it’s a perfect time to walk the beach and prepare for another sunset surf.
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